What to Look for in PHMSA’s Latest Final Rule Updates 

By: Ed Cyzewski

Pipeline regulations have been revised as of April 29, 2024, when PHMSA published its Periodic Updates of Regulatory References to Technical Standards and Miscellaneous Amendments Final Rule. These updates to standards make a number of minor revisions and incorporate several documents into the regulations by reference.  

Before we examine the changes made in this latest final rule, here is a brief overview of what it means to be “incorporated by reference.” 


Incorporating By Reference (IBR) on the CFR  

The government’s Code of Federal Regulations frequently combines existing standards into the regulations by clearly incorporating them by reference. Standards or Recommended Practices that have been developed by industry often capture requirements that an agency can utilize by IBR rather than develop new regulations. 


Flange Regulations Incorporated by Reference 

One example of incorporating a regulation by reference is the use of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)  B16.5, ANSI/MSS SP-44 standard, or the equivalent in §192.147(a). This incorporation applies to construction of pipelines, specifying that flanges must meet these requirements.  


Plastic Pipe Thickness  

Another update worth noting includes revisions to 192.121 that alters tables detailing requirements for plastic pipe wall thickness and SDR values. The revised table combines SDR values and the Dimension ratio into the same column.  

ITS Compliance Specialist Warren Miller cautions companies to ensure the version of the standard being used is that referenced in Part 192 or 195.  


Master Meter System Definition 

The 192.3 Definitions have also been revised in the latest final rule by defining Master Meter System, “a pipeline system for distributing gas within, but not limited to, a definable area (such as a mobile home park, housing project, or apartment complex) where the operator purchases metered gas from an outside source for resale through a gas distribution pipeline system.”  

In order to review the rest of the minor changes, there’s a complete list at the bottom of this blog post.  


The Next Big Final Rule? 

The most anticipated final rule coming from PHMSA in the near future is the Leak Detection and Repair rule (LDAR). LDAR is expected to be released as a final rule the last quarter of 2024 or early 2025. 



Stay on Top of the Rulemaking Process 

You can learn more about the current rule at the PHMSA website. Find out about the essentials of rulemaking by watching the latest videos in our Regulation Navigation series with Warren Miller.  

Sign up for the next free Regulation Navigation webinar today.  




Review the Changes in the Latest Final Rule  
Current Standard  Current Version / Edition  Newly Accepted Revision 
ASME B31.8  2007  2018 
ASME B31.8S  2004  2018 
API 6D   23rd Edition  24th Edition 
API RP 651   3rd Edition  4th Edition 
API Spec 5L  45th Edition  46th Edition 
API Std 2350   3rd Edition  5th Edition 
API Std 650   11th Edition  13th edition, Mar. 1, 2020, including Errata 1 (Jan. 2021). 
NACE SP0204  2008  2015 
API RP 651   3rd Edition   4th edition, Sept. 2014 
API RP 2026  2nd edition, issued Apr. 1998, reaffirmed June 2006  3rd edition, June 2017 
API Std 1104   20th edition  2013 
API Std 620   11th Edition  12th Edition, Oct. 2013, including Addendum 1 (Nov. 2014). 
ASTM A53/A53M  2010  2020 
API Std 2000  6th Edition, Nov. 2009  7th Edition, Mar. 2014 
ASTM A106/A106M-19A  2010  2019A 
ASTM A333/A333M  2011  2018 
ASTM A381/A381M  2005  2018 
ASTM A671/A671M  2010  2020 
ASTM A691/A691M  2009  2019 
ASME B36.10M  Not included  2008 Now included 
ANSI/MSS SP-44  2010 Edition  2019 (Apr. 2020) 
MSS SP-75-2019  2008  2019 
NFPA 58  2004  2020 
NFPA 59  2004  2018 
NFPA 70  2011  2017