
4 Steps for a Superior Safety Culture

Implementing damage prevention programs is top of mind for many in the gas and oil pipeline industry. From the safety of employees to environmental concerns to anticipated regulation changes, our clients and contacts in the industry see plenty of upsides for being on the cutting edge of these programs.  

As part of this overall awareness of damage prevention programs, ITS recently partnered with the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) to develop a comprehensive Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS) course available through the OnBoard LMS. Here are four observations on how to ensure the success of your safety programs.  

Safety Culture Starts at the Top  

It’s not an accident that the increased awareness of PSMS programs in the American pipeline industry has coincided with high level leaders expressing interest in these programs. A PSMS is only as effective as the commitment of leadership.  

While it doesn’t take too much time or effort to use a PSMS day in, day out, it does require focused time devoted to learning and implementing a new system. Leaders must be on board with this process, ensuring that no one takes shortcuts.  

Train with a Top Damage Prevention Program 

PSMS programs don’t require learning complicated ideas, but they can involve complex systems that require significant attention to detail and direction to ensure that everyone in your organization is on the same page.  

The ITS/GTI PSMS computer-based training with voice over and dynamic on-screen text covers all major topics and reinforces key points with regular review sections. 

Give Incentives to Employees 

Adhering to procedures and filing paperwork isn’t enough to make a damage prevention program effective. Employees face safety challenges each day, and they are often your best source for input on how to prevent damage on the work site.  

When employees are empowered to stop work or to recommend improvements, leadership can recognize their important contributions so that others are encouraged to speak up as well.  

Track Your Damage Prevention Progress  

An effective PSMS program makes it easier to track training, incidents, and responses so you can make improvements in your company. By taking the GTI/ITS PSMS course in the ITS OnBoard LMS, companies can track which courses have been assigned to workers to ensure competency. 

A PSMS program helps you learn from both incidents and close calls so that you have a wide data set to analyze for trends and concerns. If you need help with analyzing your programs, contact ITS for consulting help and ideas for customized training to meet your specific needs.  


Stay on top of the latest news about the Leak Detection and Repair NPRM and the results of the latest GPAC meeting by joining us for the next Regulation Navigation on May 15, 2024.  

Learn more about the off-the-shelf PSMS course developed by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and ITS.